Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Don't do it Alan...Don't...

As I've gotten older I've developed more of an interest in politics.  I guess that's pretty normal, right?  I still don't like or trust most politicians - and I generally think they don't work to enact the changes they said they'd make.  On top of that the amount of money spent and ultimately wasted by losing candidates is sickening. 

I DON'T want to steer folks toward a candidate.  That's your decision.  We're still super early in this process and a lot will change between now and NEXT November.  Yeah, a candidate has peaked my interest and I did some binge posting about said candidate a little while back. Maybe I'll stick with him, maybe not.

But here's what I want to say....

In my view, the political world would be a better place if folks would pay more attention to the individual candidates and not their parties.  Maybe you're a lifelong Democrat - but you don't HAVE to choose between Hillary or Bernie...or random other guy no one has ever heard of.  Maybe you've always voted Republican. You don't HAVE to choose among anyone in the plethora of candidates running.

Personally, there are 3 candidates I feel I could vote for with a clean conscience.  I don't agree with everything they say, including on some moral issues - but for me, they're the few in the pack that seem qualified to lead the country, which is a pretty big job, right?

OK - one last thing, and this is directed at Christians. Some of the candidates touting their faith publicly are the same ones advocating for Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (torture), consider war before diplomacy, claim Pro-Life, but won't fund programs to help the poor, etc.  

Christians - let's seriously see how our candidates stand up to our Lord's command to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves.

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