The 2nd single, Ooh LA LA, dropped a few weeks ago, and this past week they released the video for it, which was filmed just before Coronavirus went crazy.
As I said in my intro post to what I hope will be a series, I've been noticing and looking out for things that are "the Gospel" that are unexpected, unintended, etc. It's all around us, and we just have to keep our eyes and spirits open to notice it.
Here goes...
This statement opens the video: "One day, the long fought battle between humanity and the forces of greed and division will end, and on that day, finally free, we will throw a motherf*cking party." - someone
It hit me immediately. That's it. That's a Gospel (good news) message about the kingdom we should be trying to create while we're here, and the kingdom we expect in the resurrection, when all things are made new.
Psalms 103:6 - The Lord works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed (all will be NRSV)
John 13:16 - Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one that sent them.
Mark 12:31 - You shall love your neighbor as yourself, there is no greater commandment than these.
Colossians 3:11 - In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all in all.
There is a LOT of content in the Bible that points to God's intended design for society to be egalitarian, with no divisions drawn between factions; no in-groups and out-groups. In the story, the people of Israel are favored, but not because they're better but so they would be a blessing to all nations (Gen 12:2).
Jesus made a point of bringing outsiders in. He built his squad with a group that shouldn't fit well together - fishermen (pretty typical in that time), tax collector (viewed as a traitor serving an occupying army), a zealot (a revolutionary aka what could be called a terrorist fighting against that occupying force), etc. And though the Bible doesn't make it entirely clear some women had prominent roles and were the most faithful to the end, especially Mary Magdalene.
Anyway, when I saw this video - the intro, the people dancing in the streets, tossing down and burning money, and the joy of it all - my first thought was, this is a Jesus kingdom message. God's economy isn't one of supply and demand, and zero sums. Its goal is peace. Balance. Shalom. Freedom. Liberation. That's the original meaning of salvation - freedom; as in salvation from the Egyptians holding them captive, salvation from the Roman empire, etc.
One day, our money will be worthless. I take seriously that the "love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." (1 Tim 6:10) Politics is an obvious target here, but so many decisions are made to preserve and/or grow money for those who already have too much of it. Filthy.
This is not some lefty, socialist/communist message. It's what Jesus' kingdom has promised us. Killer Mike and El-P may have been unintentional in doing it, but they threw down a Gospel message and I'm here for it.
Man, I can't wait for RTJ4 to drop!!!